
Legislation in America

  A bill can be introduced by any member of Congress. The individual who introduces a bill/legislation is referred to as the sponsor. Thereafter, another member of the same legislative body that is the senate or the House of Representatives as the sponsor can add their name and in so doing becomes the cosponsor. Each introduced bill receives a number and is referred to a committee. H.R. points to bill originating from the House of Representatives while S points to a bill originating from the Senate. A committee on receiving the bill through its chairperson conducts a hearing or can mark up the bill if necessary, namely an amendment on the bill. Once the amendments are adopted or dropped, the committee will report the bill out of the committee back to the whole body. The committee then writes a report on the intent of this legislation and its implications on the already existing laws. However, individuals of the committee can also write to the body to express personal views The speaker